NOTICIAS POR EL MUNDO - 25 artistas a las que seguir la pista en Instagram - February 18 2020
SOULBASE MAGAZINE- Sage Cortez Hand and Fire - Issue 1, 2019
IN HER STUDIO! MAGAZINE - Sage Cortez - May/June/July 2019 Issue
LMAK GALLERY - LMAK GALLERY - December 2018-present at : 298 Grand St New York, New York
VOYAGE CHICAGO - December 6 2018
HER OWN PATH INTERVIEW - Maker and Owner of Hand and Fire Ceramics: Sage Cortez - August 8 2018
GLOSSARY INTERVIEW - Maker Profile: Sage Cortez, Owner of Hand and Fire - Portland, OR - November 2 2017
Sage Cortez BFA Sculpture Thesis - Spring 2017